DOLLY Award Competition Rules 2024/2025


Article 1. The MATTADOR Cultural Association organises the 15th International Screenwriting Award dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young talented artist from Trieste who passed away prematurely on 28th June 2009 while studying and working with the aim of embarking on a career as a screenwriter.
The Award aims at discovering and promoting young talents who choose to start a professional and artistic career in screenwriting. It is an invitation to write screenplays able to tell fascinating and moving stories in line with Matteo’s keen perception of the modern world, conveying the idea of ironic, synthetic and razor-sharp art which Matteo freely expressed in his lifestyle and artistic evolution. 

Article 2. DOLLY Award “Screenwriting with Pictures” is open to Italian and foreign drawers, illustrators, filmmakers and concept designers aged 16 and under 30 by 15th April 2025. The Award is aimed at stimulating young authors who have a narrative and artistic ability to visually portray a story.  

Article 3. Each applicant may enter only one work and may not register for more than one section with a workshop as a prize (i.e. Subject, Series and Dolly). Only original and unpublished (i.e., never awarded or produced or published) entries made by up to three authors may be submitted. Under this regulation the theme is free.
The DOLLY Award is making a further effort to identify future authors who spontaneously use images instead of words to describe their stories on the basis of the well-known “show, don’t tell” screenplay rule.

Article 4. The images used to illustrate the plot should be the creative starting point in view of implementing a movie project. They should consist in a set of sketches and/or drawings which convey an idea of the characters, settings and situations to be channelled later into the film project.
The plates may be drawn up by using any manual or digital technique, in b&w or colour. The set of pictures shall include a minimum of three to a maximum of ten plates and shall be laid out in an A4 .pdf file

Article 5. The title and subtitle (if any) of the work shall be submitted in the Italian version and/or in the original version with a translation into Italian.  

Article 6. Works must be sent exclusively online on the platform starting from 15th February 2025. The delivery deadline is 15th April 2025.
A subscription fee of 20 Euros is required.
The digital version must bear only the title with no reference to the author.
The digital work must be accompanied by a signed application form for acceptance, a copy of the ID card and proof of payment, in strict accordance with platform instructions.

Article 7. By sending the script, the author accepts the present Competition Rules. The Organising Committee and the MATTADOR Cultural Association disclaim all responsibility or cost deriving from the existence of copyrights owed to any third party. The applicants authorise the organisers of the MATTADOR International Screenwriting Award to include their works in a collection and/or a catalogue or book and/or in an exhibition, on paper and/or online. 

Article 8. The Competition will assign the DOLLY AWARD for Best Story portrayed through Pictures. The winner will be awarded a “Training Grant” and will be tutored by professionals in developing his/her story according to the original idea, leading to the preparation of a complete dossier for a feature or animated film project. At the conclusion of the training programme, depending on the results achieved, an additional prize of 1,000 Euros (one thousand Euros)* may be awarded. 

Article 9. The Jury, made up of cinema professionals, artists and cultural operators, is entitled not to award a prize and/or to assign one or more special mentions. The Jury’s judgement is unquestionable.  

Article 10. The Award Ceremony of the DOLLY Competition will take place on Thursday 17th July 2025 in the Sale Apollinee at La Fenice Theatre, Venice.

The Organising Committee


*Subject to withholding tax under Article 30 of Presidential Decree DPR 29/9/73 n.600